Change IP Handle on iPhone or iPad

Typically, iPhone makes use of a dynamic IP Handle assigned by the DHCP Server. If it turns into obligatory, you'll be able to change the IP Handle of your iPhone.

Change IP Address on iPhone

Índice de Contenido
  1. Change IP Handle on iPhone
    1. Step#1 – Discover Router IP Handle
    2. Step#2 – Manually Change IP Handle on iPhone or iPad

Change IP Handle on iPhone

As talked about above, the IP Handle of iPhone and different gadgets that hook up with the web is mechanically assigned by the DHCP Server, which in case of Wi-Fi Community is your Modem/Router.

Whereas most customers don't discover the necessity to change IP Handle, chances are you'll discover the necessity to change IP Handle of your gadget to repair community connectivity issues, bypass web site blocks, bypass firewalls and different causes.

The IP Handle of iPhone consists of 4 units of numbers (say On this, the primary three quantity units (192.175.0) are derived from Router IP Handle.

While you assign a New IP Handle to iPhone, the primary 3 quantity units have to match the IP Handle of your Router and you may solely change the final quantity set (12 on this case) with any quantity from 1 to 256.

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Step#1 – Discover Router IP Handle

Step one is to notice down the IP Handle of your Router, as this shall be required to be used within the subsequent step.

1. Go to Settings > WiFi > faucet in your WiFi Community.

WiFi Network Name on iPhone Settings Screen

2. On the subsequent display, scroll all the way down to “IPV4 ADDRESS” part and observe down the IP Handle of Router.

Router IP Address

Additionally, observe down the Subnet Masks Handle and the final quantity set of present IP Handle (12 in above case).

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Step#2 – Manually Change IP Handle on iPhone or iPad

After noting down Router IP Handle and Subnet Masks Handle, you'll be able to observe the steps under to vary IP Handle of your iPhone.

1. Go to Settings > WiFi > faucet in your WiFi Community.

WiFi Network Name on iPhone Settings Screen

2. On the subsequent display, scroll all the way down to “IPV4 ADDRESS” part and faucet on Configure IP possibility.

Configure IP Option on iPhone

3. On the subsequent display, choose the Handbook Choice > Enter Router IP Handle, Subnet Masks Handle, New IP Handle and faucet on Save.

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Manually Change IP Address on iPhone

As talked about above, the primary 3 quantity units in New IP Handle (168.175.0 in above case) must be the identical because the Router IP Handle. Solely the Final Quantity Set will be modified, utilizing any quantity from 1 to 256.

Word: The IP Handle of your Router could also be totally different from above.

  • Use Non-public Wi-Fi Handle on iPhone
  • Change IP Handle in Home windows 10

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