Tips on how to Change iTunes Backup Location in Home windows 10

If for any purpose you need iTunes to Backup iPhone to a special location, you may make use of a workaround to Change iTunes Backup Location in Home windows 10.

Change iPhone Backup Location in Windows 10

Índice de Contenido
  1. Change iPhone Backup Location in Home windows 10
    1. The place is the Location of iTunes Backup in Home windows?
    2. Tips on how to Change iTunes Backup Location in Home windows 10

Change iPhone Backup Location in Home windows 10

While you Backup iPhone to laptop utilizing iTunes, the Backup of iPhone will get safely saved at a selected location in your laptop.

Equally, whenever you Restore iPhone from Backup, iTunes routinely goes to the situation of iPhone Backups saved in your laptop and lets you choose any iPhone Backup as out there in your laptop.

Whereas most customers are pleased with this mysterious setup, some customers wish to recognized the precise location iTunes Backup in Home windows 10 and a few wish to change iTunes Backup Location to Desktop or Exterior Drive.

Going by our expertise, it's not advisable to alter iTunes Backup Location to an Exterior Storage Drive, as it's recognized to deprave backups information and trigger issues whereas restoring iPhone.

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Altering iTunes backup location to Desktop or some other location inside the laptop ought to work effectively, however nothing might be assured (Use at your personal threat).

The place is the Location of iTunes Backup in Home windows?

The default iTunes Backup Location in Home windows 10 varies, relying on how iTunes was put in in your laptop.

If iTunes was put in from Home windows Retailer, iTunes Backup can be situated at C:UsersUserNameAppleMobileSync.

If iTunes was put in from exterior Home windows Retailer, the backup of your iPhone needs to be out there at path C:Customers(username)AppDataRoamingApple ComputerMobileSync.

Tips on how to Change iTunes Backup Location in Home windows 10

At present, the one solution to change iTunes Backup Location on a Home windows laptop is to create a Symbolic hyperlink from the present iPhone Backup location to your required New Backup Location.

As soon as the Symlink is created, it methods iTunes into making a backup of iPhone to your required New Location. The  process to alter iTunes Backup Location on a Home windows laptop contain the next three steps.

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Step 1. Create MobileSync Folder at New Location

Step one is to navigate to New Location the place you wish to save iPhone Backups and create a New MobileSync Folder in that location.

1. Proper-click on the Begin button and click on on File Explorer.

2. In File Explorer window, navigate to New Location the place you wish to save iPhone Backups.

3. Proper-click in any Empty area and click on on New Folder.

Create New Folder Using Windows File Explorer

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4. Title this New Folder as MobileSync and don't shut the File Explorer window.

Step 2. Copy Present iPhone Backup Folder to New MobileSync Folder

The second step is copy the present iPhone Backup Folder to New MobileSync Folder that you simply created in step one.

1. Open File Explorer and Navigate to C:UsersUserNameAppleMobileSync.

Observe: In case you are utilizing Desktop model of iTunes, navigate to C:UsersUserNameAppDataRoamingApple ComputerMobileSync.

2. Proper-click on the present iPhone Backup Folder and choose the Copy possibility.

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Copy iPhone Backup Folder

3. Go to New MobileSync Folder that you simply created in step one and paste the iPhone Backup Folder there.

4. Now, return to default MobileSync Folder and Rename the Present iPhone Backup Folder as Previous Backup.

Step 3. Create Symlink from Present to New MobileSync Folder

The ultimate step is to create a Symbolic hyperlink pointing from the default iTunes Backup Folder Location to New iTunes Backup Location.

1. Proper-click on the Begin button and click on on Command Immediate (Admin).

2. In Command Immediate window, kind MkLink /J “C:UsersUserNameAppleMobileSyncBackup” “C:MobileSyncBackup”.

Create Symlink to New iPhone Backup Location

Observe: If iTunes is put in from exterior (not Home windows Retailer), kind MkLink /J “C:UsersUserNameAppDataRoamingApple ComputerMobileSyncBackup” “C:MobileSyncBackup”

If issues go correctly, you need to now see a Symlink created in MobileSync Folder.

Symlink Created in MobileSync Folder

As soon as the Symlink is created, it ought to power iTunes to Backup iPhone to the New chosen New Location.

  • Tips on how to Backup iPhone to Home windows Laptop Utilizing iTunes
  • Tips on how to Change iPhone Backup Location on Mac

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