The way to Cease iPhone Display screen From Turning Off Mechanically

If the display screen of your iPhone or iPad is Ceaselessly switching OFF, you will discover beneath the steps to Cease iPhone Display screen from Turning OFF mechanically.

Stop iPhone Screen From Turning Off Automatically

Índice de Contenido
  1. iPhone Display screen Auto-Lock Characteristic
    1. 1. Cease iPhone Display screen From Turning Off Mechanically
    2. 2. Stop iPhone Display screen from Switching OFF Ceaselessly

iPhone Display screen Auto-Lock Characteristic

The default setting on iPhone is to mechanically change OFF its display screen and go in sleep mode after a sure interval of inactivity.

Whereas this setting helps in conserving battery life, chances are you'll generally discover the necessity to stop your gadget from mechanically switching OFF its display screen.

The opposite possibility is to extend the Auto-Lock interval in your gadget from its default setting of 1 minute to three minutes or extra, relying in your necessities.

1. Cease iPhone Display screen From Turning Off Mechanically

All that's required to Stop iPhone Display screen from mechanically switching OFF is to go to Settings > Show & Brightness > Auto-Lock > on the subsequent display screen, choose the By no means possibility.

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Prevent iPhone Screen From Switching OFF

After this, you'll now not discover the display screen of your iPhone switching off mechanically. You'll have to manually change OFF iPhone by urgent the Energy button.

As talked about above, stopping iPhone from mechanically switching OFF its display screen can result in lack of battery life and improve probabilities of unauthorized entry to your gadget.

2. Stop iPhone Display screen from Switching OFF Ceaselessly

The opposite possibility is to forestall iPhone from mechanically switching OFF its display screen regularly by rising the Auto-Lock interval on iPhone.

Go to Settings > Show & Brightness > Auto-Lock > on the subsequent display screen, choose 2 minutes or every other length that suites your personal requirement.

Select Screen Auto-Lock Period on iPhone

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After this you'll find your gadget going into sleep mode after 2 minutes of inactivity. If this isn't sufficient, you may improve the Auto-Lock interval to three, 4 or 5 minutes.

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