Redeem Apple Present Card on iPhone, Mac or PC

When you have just lately purchased or acquired an Apple Present Card, you'll find beneath the steps to Redeem Apple Present Card on iPhone, iPad, Mac or PC.

Redeem Apple Gift Card

Índice de Contenido
  1. Redeem Apple Present Card on iPhone, Mac or PC
    1. 1. Redeem Apple Present Card On iPhone
    2. 2. Manually Redeem Present Card on iPhone
    3. 3. Redeem Apple Present Card on Mac or PC

Redeem Apple Present Card on iPhone, Mac or PC

Aside from Apple Retailer, Apple Present Playing cards are simply obtainable at Costco, Walmart, Staples, Greatest Purchase, Pharmacies, Grocery shops and  and lots of different places.

As soon as you buy or recieve an Apple Present Card from a pal or relative, they can be utilized similar to money to make instore purchases at any Apple Retailer.

Nonetheless, if you're planning to make on-line purchases, the Present Card must be redeemed utilizing iPhone, iPad, Mac or a Home windows laptop.

Once you redeem an Apple Present Card, it will get credited to your Apple ID, which lets you make purchases from App Retailer, iTunes Retailer, Apple Books or subscribe to Apple TV, Apple Music and different providers.

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Vital: Earlier than going forward with the steps to Redeem iTunes Present Card, just be sure you peel of the label at again of the present card to disclose the Redeem code.

1. Redeem Apple Present Card On iPhone

The simplest method to Redeem Apple Present Card is by scanning the Present Card by utilizing the rear digital camera in your iPhone or iPad.

1. Open the App Retailer in your iPhone and faucet in your Profile Icon, situated at top-right nook.

App Store Account Icon on iPhone

2. On the Account display screen, choose Redeem Present Card or Code choice.

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3. On the subsequent display screen, choose Use Digital camera choice, which routinely opens the rear digital camera in your iPhone.

4. Now Scan the again of the Present card utilizing the rear-camera. As quickly because the code is acknowledged, the Present Card will likely be validated and credited to your Apple ID.

2. Manually Redeem Present Card on iPhone

If for some cause you're unable to redeem the Present Card utilizing iPhone digital camera, you may comply with the guide methodology as offered beneath.

1. Open App Retailer > faucet on the Account Icon > choose Redeem Present Card or Code choice. On the subsequent display screen, choose Enter Code choice, which routinely brings up the keyboard.

2. Use the keyboard to manually sort the Redeem Code (situated in the back of the Present Card) and faucet on Redeem.

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Notice: When you enter the code incorrectly, you will notice an error message and you'll be supplied with the choice to  enter the code as soon as once more.

3. Redeem Apple Present Card on Mac or PC

You may as well redeem Apple Present Card in your Mac or PC by going to the App Retailer.

1. Open the App Retailer in your Mac > faucet in your Apple ID Identify (bottom-left nook) after which faucet on Redeem Present Card choice.

Notice: If you're not logged-in, faucet on the Signal-in choice (bottom-left) and enter you Apple ID Password to Signal-in to App Retailer.

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2. Subsequent, enter the Redeem Code (situated at again of the Present Card) and faucet on Redeem button.

If you're on a MacBook, you will notice Use Digital camera choice, which lets you scan the Present Card utilizing the digital camera in your MacBook.

As soon as the code is verified by Apple, the Present Card quantity will likely be credited to your Apple ID.

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Si quieres conocer otros artículos parecidos a Redeem Apple Present Card on iPhone, Mac or PC puedes visitar la categoría Tutoriales.

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